What We Do

At OYOB we are property developers… but our real passion is empowering people. We use our 21 years of experience in property development and property investment to help you create a secure future.

Located in Melbourne, our team has a collective goal to assist our clients by any means possible, whether it be through expert property investing advice, or property development, where we identify and develop in the city’s most promising capital growth areas.

Our team consists of property specialists with an abundance of industry experience, who not only recommend investment opportunities, but are simultaneously developing and investing in the projects themselves. Hence we provide you with an exceptionally high level of project transparency and competence, from our research through to delivering a high rate of return.

How Our Products Help Build Your Wealth



“Greenfielding” is the process of re-zoning and developing rural/farm land specifically marked for residential or commercial use.

Greenfielding is suitable for investors looking to purchase wholesale residential blocks at prices well below market value, helping them to meet medium-to-long-term goals such as paying off their mortgage sooner or building their nest egg through property.



An OYOB Development Trust allows our community to give investors the opportunity to be part of a managed property development.

Our Development Trusts are suitable for investors looking for shorter-term capital growth or wholesale property at a significant discount to market in order to meet goals such as paying off their mortgage sooner or building their nest egg through property.



Our Income Fund gives investors the opportunity to invest in secured mortgages over assets that are able to be developed, allowing them to receive an income from their funds.

The OYOB Income Fund is suitable for investors looking for better-than-market returns or to create a passive income using their investment funds, allowing them to grow the value of their nest egg over time.


An off-the-plan property is land or property purchased prior to title. The purchaser is the first retail owner of the property, usually a townhouse, apartment or house and land package.

Through our development projects, OYOB and our development community provide off-the-plan land and property opportunities for retail purchasers and investors. Off-the-plan property can be slightly more attractive to investors because the purchase is made before title, meaning a reduced stamp duty on the un-developed value. Our OYOB team will help you navigate through correct protocol.



As opposed to off-the-plan property, retail property is on-sold in the retail market with a title already in place.

A retail property is available to all potential buyers and is the typical way that non-developers purchase and invest in the property market. Investors in a retail property are generally reliant on long-term capital growth rather than value creation through the development process to recover their purchase costs and achieve a return.



“Greenfielding” is the process of re-zoning and developing rural/farm land specifically marked for residential or commercial use.

OYOB provides unique experience in delivering Greenfield developments in the premier growth strips in Melbourne’s West and South-East suburbs. We provide out project acquisition, funding and development management services to investors and developers looking for exposure to Melbourne’s booming house-and-land market.



An OYOB Development Trust gives investors the opportunity to be part of a managed property development undertaken by our community.

For investors looking to undertake their own property development, OYOB are able to provide considerable expertise across the different development stages of your project. Ensuring that you have an experienced and transparent development partner aligned to your interests is paramount early in your property development journey.

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